FEATool Multiphysics  v1.17.0
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
ex_nonnewtonian1.m File Reference


EX_NONNEWTONIAN1 2D Example for non-Newtonian flow in a channel.

[ FEA, OUT ] = EX_NONNEWTONIAN1( VARARGIN ) Sets up and solves stationary non-Newtonian flow in a rectangular channel. The fluid is governed by a power-law model such that the viscosity can be expressed as mu_eff = mu0*K*D^(n-1). A constant pressure drop is prescribed resulting in an analytical solution for the velocity u(y) = n/(n+1)*(1/(mu0*K)*dp)^(1/n)*((h/2)^((n+1)/n)-abs(h/2-y)^((n+1)/n)). Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Input       Value/{Default}        Description
rho         scalar {1}             Density
mu0         scalar {1.29684}       Newtonian viscosity
dp          scalar {1}             Pressure drop
n           scalar {0.25}          Power-law exponent
K           scalar {1}             Power-law constant
h           scalar {1}             Channel height
l           scalar {0.2}           Channel length
igrid       scalar 1/{0}           Cell type (0=quadrilaterals, 1=triangles)
hmax        scalar {0.1}           Max grid cell size
sf_u        string {sflag1}        Shape function for velocity
sf_p        string {sflag1}        Shape function for pressure
iplot       scalar 0/{1}           Plot solution and error (=1)
Output      Value/(Size)           Description
fea         struct                 Problem definition struct
out         struct                 Output struct

Code listing

 cOptDef = { ...
   'rho',      1;
   'mu0',      1.29684;
   'K',        1;
   'n' ,       0.25;
   'dp' ,      1;
   'h',        1;
   'l',        2;
   'igrid',    1;
   'hmax',     0.05;
   'sf_u',     'sflag2';
   'sf_p',     'sflag1';
   'iplot',    1;
   'fid',      1 };
 [got,opt] = parseopt(cOptDef,varargin{:});
 fid       = opt.fid;

% Geometry and grid parameters.
 h         = opt.h;       % Height of rectangular domain.
 l         = opt.l;       % Length of rectangular domain.
% Discretization parameters.
 sf_u      = opt.sf_u;    % FEM shape function type for velocity.
 sf_p      = opt.sf_p;    % FEM shape function type for pressure.

% Geometry definition.
 gobj = gobj_rectangle( 0, l, 0, h );
 fea.geom.objects = { gobj };
 fea.sdim = { 'x' 'y' };   % Coordinate names.

% Grid generation.
 if ( opt.igrid==1 )
   fea.grid = gridgen(fea,'hmax',opt.hmax,'fid',fid);
   fea.grid = rectgrid(round(l/opt.hmax),round(h/opt.hmax),[0 l;0 h]);
   if( opt.igrid<0 )
     fea.grid = quad2tri( fea.grid );
 n_bdr = max(fea.grid.b(3,:));           % Number of boundaries.

% Boundary conditions.
 dtol      = opt.hmax;
 i_inflow  = findbdr( fea, ['x<',num2str(dtol)] );     % Inflow boundary number.
 i_outflow = findbdr( fea, ['x>',num2str(l-dtol)] );   % Outflow boundary number.

% Problem definition.
 fea = addphys(fea,@nonnewtonian);      % Add non-Newtonian flow physics mode.
 fea.phys.nn.eqn.coef{1,end} = { opt.rho };
 fea.phys.nn.eqn.coef{2,end} = { 1 };   % Select power-law viscosity model.
 fea.phys.nn.eqn.coef{4,end} = { opt.mu0 };
 fea.phys.nn.eqn.coef{6,end} = { opt.K };
 fea.phys.nn.eqn.coef{7,end} = { opt.n };
 fea.phys.nn.eqn.coef{13,end}{1} = [num2str(opt.dp),'*(1-x/',num2str(l),')'];   % Initial pressure.
 fea.phys.nn.sfun = { sf_u sf_u sf_p };           % Set shape functions.
 fea.phys.nn.bdr.sel([i_inflow,i_outflow]) = 4;
 fea.phys.nn.bdr.coef{4,end}{3,i_inflow}   = l/opt.dp;   % Set inflow pressure.

% Parse and solve problem.
 fea = parsephys(fea);   % Check and parse physics mode.
 fea = parseprob(fea);   % Check and parse problem struct.

 [fea.bdr.n{1}{[i_inflow,i_outflow]}] = deal( '-p*nx' );   % Offset natural Neumann BC.
 [fea.bdr.d{2}{[i_inflow,i_outflow]}] = deal(0);           % Set v=0 at inlet and outlet.

 fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'relchg', false, 'fid', fid, 'maxnit', 50 );   % Call to stationary solver.

% Postprocessing.
 s_velm = 'sqrt(u^2+v^2)';
 s_refsol  = [num2str(opt.n/(opt.n+1)*(1/(opt.mu0*opt.K)*opt.dp)^(1/opt.n)),'*(',num2str((h/2)^((opt.n+1)/opt.n)),'-abs(',num2str(h/2),'-y)^',num2str((opt.n+1)/opt.n),')'];
 p = [ l/2*ones(1,25); linspace(0,h,25) ];
 u = evalexpr( s_velm, p, fea );
 u_ref = evalexpr( s_refsol, p, fea );
 s_velm = 'sqrt(u^2+v^2)';
 if ( opt.iplot>0 )
   title('Velocity field')

   title('Effective viscosity')

   plot( u, p(2,:) )
   hold on
   plot( u_ref, p(2,:), 'k.' )
   legend( 'Computed solution', 'Reference solution','Location','West')
   title( 'Velocity profile at x=l/2' )
   ylabel( 'y' )

% Error checking.
 err = sqrt(sum((u-u_ref).^2)/sum(u_ref.^2));
 if( ~isempty(fid) )
   fprintf(fid,'\nL2 Error: %f\n',err)

 out.err  = err;
 out.pass = err<0.05;
 if ( nargout==0 )
   clear fea out