FEATool Multiphysics  v1.17.1
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
ex_planestrain2.m File Reference


EX_PLANESTRAIN2 Plane strain analysis of a pressure vessel.

[ FEA, OUT ] = EX_PLANESTRAIN2( VARARGIN ) Benchmark example for plane strain approximation of a pressure vessel (annular cross section with symmetry).


[1] Barber JR. Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Intermediate Mechanics of Materials, pp. 461, vol. 175, 2nd ed. Springer, 2011.

Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Input       Value/{Default}        Description
hmax        scalar {0.02}          Grid size
sfun        string {sflag2}        Shape function for displacements
iplot       scalar 0/{1}           Plot solution (=1)
Output      Value/(Size)           Description
fea         struct                 Problem definition struct
out         struct                 Output struct

Code listing

 cOptDef = { ...
   'hmax',     0.02;
   'sfun',     'sflag2';
   'use_temp', true;
   'iplot',    1;
   'igrid',    1;
   'tol',      0.1;
   'fid',      1 };
 [got,opt] = parseopt( cOptDef, varargin{:} );

 E   = 2.1e11;
 nu  = 0.3;

 ri  = 0.1;
 ro  = 0.8;
 sri = -5e7;
 sro = -2e7;

 if( opt.use_temp )
   Ti = 500;
   To = 20;
   K  = (Ti-To)/log(ro/ri);
   al = 1.2e-5;
   T  = @(r) K*log(ro./r) + To;
   Texpr = [num2str(K),'*log(',num2str(ro),'/sqrt(x^2+y^2))+',num2str(To)];
   int_rT = @(r) K*(1/2*r.^2.*log(ro./r) + r.^2/4) + r.^2/2*To;
   Ti = 0;
   T0 = 0;
   K  = 0;
   al = 0;
   T  = @(r) 0;
   Texpr = 0;
   int_rT = @(r) 0;

% Reference solution.
 C = @(r) E*al/(1-nu)./r.^2.*int_rT(r);
 B = ( sro - sri + C(ro) - C(ri) )./(1./ro.^2 - 1./ri.^2);
 A = sri + C(ri) - B./ri.^2;

 ur  = @(r) al*(1+nu)./((1-nu)*r).*int_rT(r) + A*(1-2*nu)*(1+nu)*r/E - (1+nu)*B./(E*r);
 sr  = @(r) -E*al/(1-nu)./r.^2.*int_rT(r) + A + B./r.^2;
 sth = @(r)  E*al/(1-nu)./r.^2.*int_rT(r) - E*al*T(r)/(1-nu) + A - B./r.^2;
 sz  = @(r) nu*(sr(r)+sth(r)) - E*al*(T(r)-To);   % Adding To here.

% Geometry and grid.
 fea.sdim = { 'x' 'y' };   % Coordinate names.
 gobj = gobj_ellipse( [0 0], [ro], [ro], 'E1' );
 fea.geom.objects{1} = gobj;
 gobj = gobj_ellipse( [0 0], [ri], [ri], 'E2' );
 fea.geom.objects{2} = gobj;
 fea.geom = geom_apply_formula( fea.geom, 'E1-E2' );
 gobj = gobj_rectangle( [0], [1.2*ro], [0], [1.2*ro], 'R1' );
 fea.geom.objects{2} = gobj;
 fea.geom = geom_apply_formula( fea.geom, 'CS1&R1' );
 fea.grid = gridgen( fea, 'hmax', opt.hmax, 'fid', opt.fid );

% Problem definition.
 fea = addphys( fea, @planestrain );
 fea.phys.psn.eqn.coef{1,end} = { nu };
 fea.phys.psn.eqn.coef{2,end} = { E  };
 fea.phys.psn.eqn.coef{6,end} = { al };
 fea.phys.psn.eqn.coef{7,end} = { Texpr };
 fea.phys.psn.sfun            = { opt.sfun opt.sfun };

% Boundary conditions.
 dtol = 1e-3;
 i_b = findbdr( fea, ['y<=',num2str(dtol)] );
 i_l = findbdr( fea, ['x<=',num2str(dtol)] );
 i_i = findbdr( fea, ['sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)<=',num2str(ri+dtol)] );
 i_o = findbdr( fea, ['sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)>=',num2str(ro-dtol)] );

 fea.phys.psn.bdr.sel = [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ];

 c_setdn = cell(2,4);
 [c_setdn{:}] = deal(0);
 c_setdn{2,i_b} = 1;
 c_setdn{1,i_l} = 1;

 c_bdrcoef = cell(2,4);
 [c_bdrcoef{:}] = deal(0);
 c_bdrcoef{1,i_i} = [num2str(sri),'*nx'];
 c_bdrcoef{1,i_o} = [num2str(sro),'*nx'];
 c_bdrcoef{2,i_i} = [num2str(sri),'*ny'];
 c_bdrcoef{2,i_o} = [num2str(sro),'*ny'];

 fea.phys.psn.bdr.coef = { '', '', '', {}, c_setdn, [], c_bdrcoef };

% Parse and solve problem.
 fea = parsephys( fea );
 fea = parseprob( fea );
 fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'fid', opt.fid );

% Error checking.
 s_sx = fea.phys.psn.eqn.vars{5,end};
 s_sy = fea.phys.psn.eqn.vars{6,end};
 s_sz = fea.phys.psn.eqn.vars{7,end};

 r = linspace(ri,ro,100);
 p = [ r; zeros(size(r)) ];

 u    = evalexpr( 'u', p, fea ).';
 src  = evalexpr( s_sx, p, fea ).';
 sthc = evalexpr( s_sy, p, fea ).';
 szc  = evalexpr( s_sz, p, fea ).';
 uref   = ur(r);
 srref  = sr(r);
 sthref = sth(r);
 szref  = sz(r);
 out.err = [ norm(u-uref)/norm(uref), norm(src-srref)/norm(srref), ...
             norm(sthc-sthref)/norm(sthref), norm(szc-szref)/norm(szref) ];
 p = p([2,1],:);
 v    = evalexpr( 'v', p, fea ).';
 src  = evalexpr( s_sy, p, fea ).';
 sthc = evalexpr( s_sx, p, fea ).';
 szc  = evalexpr( s_sz, p, fea ).';
 out.err = [ out.err;
             norm(v-uref)/norm(uref), norm(src-srref)/norm(srref), ...
             norm(sthc-sthref)/norm(sthref), norm(szc-szref)/norm(szref) ];
 out.pass = all( out.err(:) <= opt.tol(:) );

% Postprocessing.
 if( opt.iplot>0 )
   postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', s_sx )
   title( 'Stress in the x-direction' )

   plot( r, uref, 'b-' )
   hold on
   plot( r, u, 'r.' )
   plot( r, v, 'g.' )
   ylabel('Displacement, u_r')
   grid on

   plot( r, srref, 'b-' )
   hold on
   plot( r, src, 'r.' )
   ylabel('Stress, \sigma_r')
   grid on

   plot( r, sthref, 'b-' )
   hold on
   plot( r, sthc, 'r.' )
   ylabel('Stress, \sigma_\theta')
   grid on

   plot( r, szref, 'b-' )
   hold on
   plot( r, szc, 'r.' )
   ylabel('Stress, \sigma_z')
   grid on

 if( nargout==0 )
   clear fea out