FEATool Multiphysics  v1.17.0
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
openfoam_import.m File Reference


OPENFOAM_IMPORT Import OpenFOAM solution data.

[ U, TLIST, VARS/DATA ] = OPENFOAM_IMPORT( FEA / VARARGIN ) Imports OpenFOAM solution data from the folder CASEDIR (from numeric time subfolders for dictionaries with internalField).

If the FEATool problem struct argument FEA is given, the output DATA is converted to compatible [U, TLIST, VARS]. Otherwise the a struct is returned with fields TLIST for the time steps and variable names, DATA with the internalField data (size n_zones x n_timesteps), and ZONES for subdomain names (empty for main domain).

Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Input       Value/{Default}              Description
applybc     logical {true}               Re-apply (enforce) Dirichlet boundary conditions
casedir     string {pwd}                 OpenFOAM case directory
interp      scalar {1}                   Interpolation method (cell to vertex)
                                           0: no weighting 1: cell volume weighting
iswarn      logical {true}               Show warnings
tskip       array {[]}                   List of times/directories to skip
varmap      n x 2 cell {default}         OpenFOAM to FEATool variable mapping
zonemap     n x 2 cell {default}         Subdomain to zone name mapping (zone1, ... zonen)
See also
openfoam_import, openfoam_read