FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
postrevolve.m File Reference


POSTREVOLVE Revolve axisymmetric 2D fea data to 3D.

[ FEA ] = POSTREVOLVE( FEA, N_CR, TH ) Revolves an axisymmetric 2D FEA problem struct to 3D for postprocessing. N_CR is the number of cells in the direction of revolution (default 32), and TH the fraction of revolution 0..1 (default 1).

  1) Revolve a axisymmetric pipe flow solution.

  fea = ex_navierstokes8( 'iplot', false );

  feap = postrevolve( fea, 24, 0.75 );

  postplot( feap, 'surfexpr', 'sqrt(u^2+w^2)', ...
                  'colorbar', 'off', 'axis', 'off' )

  2) Revolve a axisymmetric spherical capacitor solution.

  fea = ex_electrostatics2( 'iplot', false );

  feap = postrevolve( fea, 24, 0.75 );

  postplot( feap, 'surfexpr', 'V', 'colorbar', 'off', 'axis', 'off' )
See also
postplot, gridrevovle