FEATool Multiphysics

News, Articles, and Blog Posts - Page 5

Periodic Boundary Conditions for FEM Finite Element Method | FEATool

Periodic Boundary Conditions and the Solver Hook Functionality

Periodic Boundary Conditions and the Solver Hook Functionality

Periodic Boundary Conditions for FEM Finite Element Method | FEATool

This post describes how to implement finite element FEM models with custom periodic boundary conditions in FEATool. A periodic boundary condition can be defined for opposing boundaries so that their values are linked in some defined way. The typical case for two periodic boundaries is to require them to have identical …

Unstructured MATLAB 2D Mesh and Grid Generation using Triangle | FEATool

Triangle Mesh Generator GUI and CLI Integration with FEATool

Triangle Mesh Generator GUI and CLI Integration with FEATool

Unstructured MATLAB 2D Mesh and Grid Generation using Triangle | FEATool

FEATool-Triangle Mesh Generator Integration The fast and efficient 2D mesh and grid generator, Triangle, by J.R. Shewchuk’s is fully integrated with FEATool Multiphysics [1][2][3]. Both MATLAB command line interface (CLI) usage is supported with the gridgen function, as well as FEATool GUI usage by selecting the …

Creating 3D Interactive Plotly Visualizations with MATLAB | FEATool

Interactive 3D Data and Simulation Visualizations with Plotly and MATLAB

Interactive 3D Data and Simulation Visualizations with Plotly and MATLAB

Creating 3D Interactive Plotly Visualizations with MATLAB | FEATool

FEATool can be used to easily generate interactive surface, contour, arrow, and other visualizations of unstructured mesh and simulation data in 1D, 2D, and 3D. As FEATool also supports Plotly as rendering and visualization engine it is possible to create, interactively explore, and share simulation and unstructured …

Multi-Simulation with FEATool 1.7 | MATLAB Finite Element FEM Toolbox

Introducing Multi-Simulation with FEATool 1.7 - More Than Multiphysics

Introducing Multi-Simulation with FEATool 1.7 - More Than Multiphysics

Multi-Simulation with FEATool 1.7 | MATLAB Finite Element FEM Toolbox

FEATool 1.7 Multi-Simulation With the release of FEATool 1.7 Precise Simulation Ltd. is taking a step beyond Multiphysics by introducing the modeling and simulation tool concept Multi-Simulation. The goal of Multi-Simulation is to allow for seamless switching between both built-in and external solvers and simulation …

MATLAB Plot and Visualization on Unstructured Meshes and Grids

Visualization and Postprocessing on Unstructured Grids and Meshes with FEATool Functions

Visualization and Postprocessing on Unstructured Grids and Meshes with FEATool Functions

MATLAB Plot and Visualization on Unstructured Meshes and Grids

This post explains how to use MATLAB and the FEATool postprocessing function library to import, plot, and visualize general data on unstructured grids and meshes. Although MATLAB do include visualization functionality for surface and contour plots (with the surf and contour functions), it is currently limited to …

Multiphysics Simulations in Python with FEniCS and FEATool

Python Multiphysics Simulations with FEniCS and FEATool

Python Multiphysics Simulations with FEniCS and FEATool

Multiphysics Simulations in Python with FEniCS and FEATool

The FEniCS Project is a popular and open-source finite element analysis (FEA) framework for mathematical modeling and physics simulations using the Python programming language. In contrast to specialized solvers (such as OpenFOAM and SU2 for fluid dynamics (CFD), or CalculiX and Code Aster for structural mechanics) …

MATLAB Parallel Batch and Job Scheduling with Xargs

Running MATLAB FEM and Multiphysics Simulations in Parallel

Running MATLAB FEM and Multiphysics Simulations in Parallel

MATLAB Parallel Batch and Job Scheduling with Xargs

When given the task to perform many simulations in a larger simulation study or project, such as in optimization studies or parametric studies over several variables as for example described in a parametric simulation script tutorial, one can speed up the overall process significantly by performing the simulations in …